Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Intro to: The TDI Student Advisory Committee (SAC)

Hello readers,

Yeah...we know...less than a month and another posting...We know what you are thinking, "Dang those girls are good!" :) Haha!

An aspect of the TDI experience that we haven't really touched upon yet is the TDI Student Advisory Committee. At the beginning of early fall quarter, four officers are elected to this committee, and then serve in that capacity for the rest of the year.

The TDI SAC is committed to working towards the success of the The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. Our primary role is that of communicating the thoughts and concerns of students to the administration, and dually serving as liaisons of the administration to the students.

Some of our responsibilities include:
  • Coordinating student involvement in community service
  • Evaluating the overall program ­ administration and academics
  • Establishing policies and/or procedures for new activities
  • Coordinating individual student comments into a coherent recommendation
  • Providing feedback on the progress of individual courses.
  • Coordinating social events for students
  • Serving as liaisons to the Dartmouth Medical School Student Government and the Graduate Student Council.

A more in-depth look at the activities of the current TDI SAC will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

TDI Love always,

Miriam Ayad (President)
April Semilla (Treasurer)

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